Interactive Installation

Dimensions: 200 x 150 x 150 cm

Curated by: Tamara Kucor

Inverted nature is an installation, where we can find the collective questions and answers connected to contemporary issues such as climate, technological and biological changes. In this period we are facing the challenges of inversion from outer-world, to inner-world. Creating a new inner-world for ourselves, reflects our needs. Taking pieces from the outer-world is still necessary to exist. We need our Mother nature on the planet Earth, to take care of us: to feed us, to heal us, to keep us as humans – as her children.

This installation is a small physical inner world, a safe place where everybody is welcome to take break, to take a breath, think for a minute and to share (write) the thoughts and acts which were not the best choices during the lifetime which affected negatively on our Mothers health. We are growing, it is time to take our steps independently forward and help her out.

Book of confession

Collaboration with artist Konstantinos Petrović

Humans and all other species are members of Earth’s community.

All species are part of a system of interdependence.

All living organisms pursue their own “good” in their own ways.

Human beings are not inherently superior to other living things!

In this book, I am apologizing to my Mother – planet Earth, what I have done unconsciously wrong, and I am ready to take action to heal her.

Photography: Edvárd Molnár