News EN FINALISTS of the Secondary Archive OPEN CALL for female artists from Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia EN FUTURE NOSTALGIA.FM EN VOĐENJE: 20. Bijenale umetnosti u Pančevu – rafinerijamanastir EN Jubilee 20th Biennial of Art in Pančevo EN A(R)TLANTIS-GALLERY NOVEMBAR(17 / 02- 13 / 03 / 2022) EN UNBORE.Aniko Petri: Plant-powered Art: Highlights from an Organic Exhibition where Nature also Creates 1 2 3 4
EN FINALISTS of the Secondary Archive OPEN CALL for female artists from Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
EN UNBORE.Aniko Petri: Plant-powered Art: Highlights from an Organic Exhibition where Nature also Creates